Sunday, November 13, 2005

It could have been porn but--alas!--it was just another Republican...

Hurting for material the other day, decided to take a
stroll through the right-side of internet land. There I
came upon this site. Before I clicked on it all I saw
was its url:

Which of course you’re supposed to read as “Minnesota
Democrats Exposed”, but–for reasons I’d rather not
dwell upon–I read it as “Minnesota Democrat Sex
Posed”. This piqued my interest. Even though I
wasn’t sure why a Democrat Sex Poser would be want
to be associated with a bunch of conservative Repub-
licans, I’ve been around the blogosphere long enough to
know that curious alliances pop up with surprising fre-

But I hesitated before I clicked the link. Just who was
this Sex Poser, after all? I’m a blue-dog Democrat all
the way, but even I wouldn’t want to see just any old
member of my party Sex Posed. In fact, I can’t think
of a single elected DFL official who I would care to look
upon in their primal altogether. Amy Klobuchar? I
like her well enough, but we’ve got more of a platonic
constituent type thing going on. Betty McCollum?
Sorry, but she’s not my type. RT Rybak? Hell naw.
Mike Hatch? Don’t even go there...

Happily, there are still countless unsung Democrats who
would make fine Sex Posers. In fact, I would argue that
my party is perhaps the most suitable for a Sex Posing,
with the arguable exception of the Greens, who tend to
be younger, healthier and more “emo”. Would you want
to see a site called “Minnesota Republican Sex Posed”?
Of course you wouldn’t. And just the thought of a bunch
of libertarians lounging around with engorged genitals
and glassy eyes is enough to make my stomach flip.

So, anyway, I clicked on the link and was sorely disappoint-
ed. It was just a bunch of gossip, tin-horn muckracking and
dull partisan what-have-you. And to think that, if only for
a brief shining moment, I believed that it might be possible
to see a naked person on the internet.